plasma-desktop on other environments (bis)

David Edmundson david at
Sat May 21 21:28:06 UTC 2016

> The following I have no idea what they even do:
> * Krdb

KDE Resource Database.
It exports the colour, style and settings to other toolkits, most notably
xrdb (hence the name) which is a central storage for what font/colours to
use for apps using low level xfig and xclock can get the right
colours. Super important if you happened to travel back to 1995.
It then grew to include some GTK settings and backporting stuff to KDE4.

It's invoked by the colours and style KCM - so though I do think there is a
demand for configuring apps on OS X, taking the KCM directly isn't a good
idea because of that.

I've noticed you've solved this by just including krdb (even with fixes!),
but having krdb on OS X really doesn't make sense. It won't work.
I think that's symptomatic of what's worng with this approach - you need to
identify what things you need and just tell us. Not assume it's everything
and work backwards.

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