Proposal:, a repository of contributed libraries

kdea k.dea at
Fri May 6 17:17:45 UTC 2016

On Mon May 2 23:20:00 UTC 2016, Aleix Pol wrote:

> > I didn't know . Some things I see:
> >
> > - It seems to be for big libraries, not for little, user-contributed 
> > libraries.
> How is something good for big libraries but not for small?

Well, of course it could be used for small libraries too. I only pointed
out the charasteristics that I was seeing. I didn't see small contributed 
libraries, so I deduced that the page was for big libraries.

> Also users won't contribute libraries, it will be developers.

Right, my mistake, sorry.

> > - It seems to be for C++ qt libraries, not for pure qml plasmoid 
> > libraries.
> Can you point to one library that fits such use-case other than your
> one component?

No, I don't know any other contributed plasmoid library. Perhaps because 
the repository I'm proposing doesn't exist. 

I think you are implicitly saying that the repository doesn't exist
because such libraries don't exist. And I'm saying the opposite: The
libraries don't exist (or are not known) because the repository doesn't

In fact, my library will never be known/reused if I can't upload it to a
repository/bazar of little-but-useful libraries. My library will be
silently hidden into my plasmoid forever. And probably same thing will 
happen to other libraries that live into other plasmoids from other 
developers. Or libraries that could exist if developers had any reason to 
create them, by separating the code from the main program and by 
uploading the library to the repository.

> > - It seems to be an index of libraries, not a repository of libraries.
> It can be whatever we like. It's free software and it's KDE.

Ok, let's go :-)


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