Minutes Monday Plasma Meeting

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon May 2 10:56:14 UTC 2016

Minutes Plasma 'hangout', 2-5-2016, 12:00 CET

Present: Sho, mgraesslin, bshah, notmart, kbroulik, Roman (subdiff) (just 
listening), sebas

Akademy / QtCon planning:
* mgraesslin: desktop security & wayland
* bshah: plasma mobile
* notmart: kirigami
* kbroulik: Android Qt apps
* sebas: KDE store talk
* We need a general Plasma talk, d_ed?

Notes per participant:

* blogged: http://blog.bshah.in/2016/05/02/plasma-mobile-new-base-system/
* docs: https://community.kde.org/Plasma/Mobile/CyanogenModBase

* work on xdg-shell - see phab requests
* work on wayland on X11 - see phab requests
* fixed a bunch of broken tests (regressed with Qt 5.6)
* working on integrating QtVirtualKeyboard into KWin through wl_text_input 
interface and http://paste.opensuse.org/20343614

- Implemented manual sort mode in the tasks model, for DND reordering in the 
-- Applet calls move() on the model less often/spuriously during DND; config 
write now only after DND ends
- Implemented activity sort mode
- Moved on to implementing grouping, last big feature todo (Wayland aside)

* Added a bunch of new OSD infos (Toggle wifi, mobile broadband, bluetooth, 
* Toggling touchpad will show OSD now; wanted to add that to plasma-nm for 
wifi keys etc (or pester Jan to do that :P)
* Bit of housekeeping in KRunner (Service Runner now searches through jump 
list actions too, ie. searching for "big picture" will find Steam's Big 
Picture mode directly; some locale fixes in units converter)
* finally I continued working on Triage

* fix plasmoidviewer -a pathname: restored kde4 behavior for plasmoidviewer to 
load plasmoids without installing them, using their relative or absolute paths 
as paramenter
* Patched KIconLoader to use stylesheets into icons, similar to Plasma::Svg 
** weird colorscheme now have monochrome icons with proper color
** experimental patch to make selected menu items icons with the same color as 
highlighted text (hopefully same thing should be possible in Dolphin sidebar 
items, focused buttons etc)
* Kirigami: merge the pagerow refactor branch
** it has now own bugzilla product
** a lot of bughunting connected to the switch
** layout fixes: BasicListItems and SwipeListItems have the same height/
** split between ApplicationWindow and AbstractApplicationWindow: 
AbstractApplicationWindow has the whole functionality but no central PageRow

* working on multiscreen in kwin: now able to reposition displays with the 
same size
* minor work on windowmetadata
* sprint preps
research for tent mode:
* we get an ACPI event for tablet mode, but nothing for tent
* tent mode: is the keyboard disabled in tablet mode?
* mgraesslin will do a patch to list libinput devices


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