Proposal:, a repository of contributed libraries

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Sun Jun 5 14:09:50 UTC 2016


On Saturday 04 June 2016 15:52:17 kdea wrote:
> Well, it has been already discussed in the thread. Main points I see are:
> * seems to be for big libraries, not for small contributed
>   libraries.

This is a wrong assumption, the criteria are arbitrary (what does "big" mean 
exactly, what's small? How does the size relate to anything, really?)
Everything is "contributed", what does that even mean? (In a way, everything 
that's Free software has been contributed by someone...)

> * seems to be only an index, it doesn't store the software (it
>   is not a repository), so developers can't upload the libraries to it, they
> need to upload the libraries to other place and then add the link to the
> index. It means more work for developers.

Inqlude is indeed an index, a way to find libraries. As such, inqlude doesn't 
have to be the canonical way to get info or download the library, but it can.

> * All of pages ( ,
> , , , etc )
> share the same structure and behabior, so they are familiar for the
> developers that already have uploaded an app to them.

Currently, opendesktop and qt-apps (which is part of opendesktop and runs on 
the same software) is not suitable for source or binary downloads, it doesn't 
have versioning, checksumming, no VCS integration, etc. This may or may not 
change int he future, but currently it's falling short. it's also meant as a 
user-facing service, not a tool for developers. To me it feels like pushing a 
square peg into a round hole.

> * Aditionally, developers can (re)use their account in all of the
> pages, so no need of extra registrations.

IMO it doesn't make sense to create another site oriented at the criteria you 
mention. Get in touch with Cornelius Schumacher (who works on 
instead and discuss the options with him.


Sebastian Kügler    •    http://vizZzion.org

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