Properly fixing the containment scripting issue

Marco Martin notmart at
Sun Jul 24 18:12:40 UTC 2016

On Sunday 24 July 2016, Ivan Čukić wrote:
> Plasma starts, if kamd is running, it has a normal current activity,
> if not, it thinks there is an activity with a null UUID
> (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
> If plasma gets the null activity, and it has already been started
> before, it will load the containments for the last activity it
> remembered being in (plasma will need to save it in its config).
> If plasma has not already been run (this is the first-run), it will
> create containments for this activity and layout.js is allowed to
> change them as needed for UC1.

so it can just change stuff in that one "activity"? (i'm fine with that, just 

then, as soon and if kamd comes online, the activity 000 is then changed in 
whatever is now the current activity?
Marco Martin

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