KDE Discover binary & library names

Matthias Klumpp matthias at tenstral.net
Thu Jan 7 16:59:50 UTC 2016

Hi everyone!
I'd like to start some discussion about the name of the KDE Discover
binary/library names (not about the name of the thing itself).
Reason is that the current library and binary names have a few issues.
At time, Discover publishes a "libdiscover" shared library in a public
path, and a "muon-discover" binary.
Keeping the name "muon" in the binary name is IMHO not that great,
since Muon and Discover are separate products now.
So renaming the binary to just "discover" might sound like a good
idea, but at least for us in Debian this will cause some severe
problems: We already have a package using the "discover" binary name:
It's in /sbin, but having the same binary name in /usr/bin and /sbin
is generally a bad idea, if it's for completely different tools.
For the library name - libdiscover - we currently have the same
problem: https://packages.debian.org/sid/libdiscover2

So, possible solutions would be, for the binary:
 1) Keep the name "muon-discover", although there is no connection to
Muon anymore
 2) Use "plasma-discover"
 3) Use "kde-discover"
 4) Use "kdiscover"

For the library:
 A) Keep the name and make it a private library, by moving it out of
/usr/lib and into e.g. /usr/lib/kde-discover. This would make the lib
only accessible to Discover itself, other tools wouldn't find it.

 B) Change the name to something like "libkdiscover"

Keep in mind that this is only about binary and library names (and
probably the name of the release tarball?), the name of the
application remains what it is.
Aleix and I briefly discussed this on a few occasions last year, but
would like some feedback from more people on it.


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