Minutes Monday Plasma Meeting

Eike Hein hein at kde.org
Mon Dec 19 11:38:58 UTC 2016

Plasma Meeting minutes 12-19-2016

NOTE: No meeting next Monday due to holidays.

Present: notmart, romangg, bshah, kbroulik, Riddell, Sho_

* bug triaging
* a bit of spring cleaning of old reviews
* plymouth kcm: basics correctly working, install, uninstall, apply,
thumbnails still broken, would need a way to take them from knewstuff
* kirigami2:
** no dependencies on QtQuickcontrols1 anymore
** Action locally reimplmented now, using an instance of Shortcut now
** last warnings fixes before beta
** a lot of fixing of android-related annoyances
** android package of kirigami2 gallery

I worked more on tooltips for taskbar last week. hope to create a phab
diff today. got some last warning message to deal with: "0 instead of 1
arguments to message {On %1} supplied before conversion." sb knows
what's this about?

- Finally got plasma to start on Nexus 5x \o/
- http://blog.bshah.in/2016/12/19/plasma-mobile-on-nexus-5x-bullhead/
- some outstanding problems still,
    - packing up all this things and making deployable image
    - weird problems with Text element on mobile ^^^^
    - weird libinput messages spam the log on mobile
    - etc etc
- Will put image up for testing by this weekend

* Lazy fix for shell_access bypass in jump list actions:
* Fix for task manager drag and drop
* Icon widget properties dialog is back \o/ You can now change the icon,
name, working dir, etc of icon applets - will blog about it soon. Please
test more, I found that the migration from the old to new applet was
broken, fixed now
* Two fixes as a result of my icon widget work:
https://phabricator.kde.org/D3725 (restore launch error support in
plasma) and https://phabricator.kde.org/D3729 (makes dealing with icon
widgets that point to files less awkward)
* Krunner actions (e.g. run in terminal, open containing folder) now
work in Kickoff/Kicker
* Meta+number activation for task manager (frequently requested feature)
has landed, please try whether it improves your workflow ;)
* Worked on media controls on the lock screen, working nicely, except
for a nasty crash on teardown of screenlocker app which I'm quite
clueless about: https://phabricator.kde.org/D3684
* KAuthorized import for KDeclarative, will merge soon - there'll be a
lineedit_reveal_password restriction that will disable this button for

5.8.5 is in 8 days time, I expect I'll get the time to do it, can't
remember why I sheduled it during holidays but
‎it's nice when new deps are added to tell packagers such as kirigami2
now needed, although I guess if we compile stuff in development we get
whatever it is
‎oh l10n people say they're now interested in doing an LTS branch
‎so I'll work with them when that's needed next year to make a new
branch for l10n and update releaseme to use it

* [TM] Worked more with Roman on the TM tooltip redesign; he will submit
for review soon, I will review probably after NYE (see below)
* [General/Launchers] Fixed arrow keyboard nav in
PlasmaComponents.TabBar in RTL locales, affects e.g. Kickoff -
* [Pager] Increased icon size in Pager applets on user request and fixed
stacking order for optional label to be below windows -
* [Other] Code reviews, Yakuake hackings
* [Hrm] I still have "virtual desktop stuff for Wayland" on my 5.9
plate, and there will be ~10 days in Jan to get it in - still haven't
made much progress due to the learning curve and Martin not being around
much, will probably try to do more research over the holidays ...
* [Personal] On vacation from tomorrow, returning Jan 2nd - please
review my patches today if you can, ping me soon if you need urgent
reviews from me

Full log:
‎[19:59] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ notmart: do you know where I can report/debug this
problem.. I am like 100ish % sure that something is wrong with GL on
this phone
‎[20:00] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ let's wait for notmart's answer and then it's
meeting time
‎[20:00] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ probably, but i really don't know :/
‎[20:00] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ good enough
‎[20:01] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ meeting time! ;)
‎[20:01] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ if only was an useful answer :/
‎[20:01] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ who's here?
‎[20:01] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ me
‎[20:01] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ me
‎[20:01] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ bshah, d_ed, kbroulik, apol, Riddell?
‎[20:01] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ yay dropbox not syncing my notes
‎[20:01] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ me o/
‎[20:01] * ‎kbroulik‎
‎[20:01] ‎<‎Riddell‎>‎ hullo
‎[20:02] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ notmart: why are you using dropbox first :P
‎[20:02] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ alright before we start
‎[20:02] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ should we sit out next week due to xmas?
‎[20:02] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ i.e. no hangout next monday
‎[20:02] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ (26th)
‎[20:02] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ ooh, here's the file
‎[20:02] ‎<‎Riddell‎>‎ all these sassenach rituals
‎[20:02] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ yes, +1 for me to no meeting 26th
‎[20:02] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ i will probably be away
‎[20:03] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ +1
‎[20:03] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ yep i'll be away too
‎[20:03] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ ok, no hangout next monday then
‎[20:03] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ notmart is first, then romangg
‎[20:03] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ go go go
‎[20:03] <-- CapsAdmin (~CapsAdmin at ti0115a400-2471.bb.online.no) has
left this server (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
‎[20:04] --> CapsAdmin (~CapsAdmin at ti0115a400-2471.bb.online.no) has
joined this channel.
‎[20:04] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ * bug triaging
‎[20:04] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ * a bit of spring cleaning of old reviews
‎[20:04] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ * plymouth kcm: basics correctly working,
install, uninstall, apply, thumbnails still broken, would need a way to
take them from knewstuff
‎[20:04] <-- Nilesh_
(uid116340 at gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vnbaibwkzezclwgn) has left this
server (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity).
‎[20:04] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ * kirigami2:
‎[20:04] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ ** no dependencies on QtQuickcontrols1 anymore
‎[20:04] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ ** Action locally reimplmented now, using an
instance of Shortcut now
‎[20:04] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ ** last warnings fixes before beta
‎[20:04] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ ** a lot of fixing of android-related annoyances
‎[20:05] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ ** android package of kirigami2 gallery
‎[20:05] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ questions/next
‎[20:06] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ hmm kinda ugly we have our own Action again
‎[20:06] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ but what can you do
‎[20:06] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ romangg is next
‎[20:06] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ I worked more on tooltips for taskbar last week.
hope to create a phab diff today. got some last warning message to deal
with: "0 instead of 1 arguments to message {On %1} supplied before
conversion." sb knows what's this about?
‎[20:06] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ next otherwise
‎[20:06] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ they are doing a qqc2 action for qt 5.9, but is
fine i can move to that one at any point
‎[20:06] ‎<‎sitter‎>‎ notmart: FTR plymouth screenshots you could
generate by either running plymouth-x11 and taking a screenshot of it or
by implementing a custom render in plymouth which does nothing more than
render to png or something. not sure either is worth the effort but just FYI
‎[20:07] ‎<‎kbroulik‎>‎ famous last words
‎[20:07] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ romangg: I think I know this.. lets breakout
‎[20:07] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ romangg: it means the variable you passed into
i18n() was empty
‎[20:07] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ ^^^
‎[20:07] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ (but still it won't be accessible from c++ so not
that useful anyways)
‎[20:07] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ Sho_: ah ok, nice. so I know where to look.
‎[20:07] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ bshah is next
‎[20:07] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ ok
‎[20:08] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ sitter: is it something that i can be reasonably
sure it would "just work"?
‎[20:08] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ (the custom renderer on png)
‎[20:08] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ - Finally got plasma to start on Nexus 5x \o/
‎[20:08] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ -
‎[20:08] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ - some outstanding problems still,
‎[20:08] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎     - packing up all this things and making
deployable image
‎[20:08] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎     - weird problems with Text element on mobile ^^^^
‎[20:08] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎     - weird libinput messages spam the log on mobile
‎[20:08] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎     - etc etc
‎[20:08] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ - Will put image up for testing by this weekend
‎[20:09] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ nice xmas gift
‎[20:09] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ done bshah?
‎[20:09] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ yes
‎[20:09] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ kbroulik is next
‎[20:09] ‎<‎kbroulik‎>‎ * Lazy fix for shell_access bypass in jump list
actions: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/129674/
‎[20:09] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ "you know that shiny phone you got for christmas?
you can now easily brick it making it an expensive door stop!"
‎[20:09] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ (just kidding)
‎[20:09] ‎<‎kbroulik‎>‎ * Fix for task manager drag and drop
‎[20:09] ‎<‎kbroulik‎>‎ * Icon widget properties dialog is back \o/ You
can now change the icon, name, working dir, etc of icon applets - will
blog about it soon. Please test more, I found that the migration from
the old to new applet was broken, fixed now
‎[20:10] ‎<‎kbroulik‎>‎ * Two fixes as a result of my icon widget work:
https://phabricator.kde.org/D3725 (restore launch error support in
plasma) and https://phabricator.kde.org/D3729 (makes dealing with icon
widgets that point to files less awkward)
‎[20:10] ‎<‎sKreamer‎>‎ Diff 3725 "[AppletQuickItem] Support launch
error message" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3725
‎[20:10] ‎<‎sKreamer‎>‎ Diff 3729 "[KPropertiesDialog] Don't change
"Name" of "Link" .desktop files if file name is read-only" [Needs
Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3729
‎[20:10] ‎<‎kbroulik‎>‎ * Krunner actions (e.g. run in terminal, open
containing folder) now work in Kickoff/Kicker
‎[20:10] ‎<‎kbroulik‎>‎ * Meta+number activation for task manager
(frequently requested feature) has landed, please try whether it
improves your workflow ;)
‎[20:10] ‎<‎kbroulik‎>‎ * Worked on media controls on the lock screen,
working nicely, except for a nasty crash on teardown of screenlocker app
which I'm quite clueless about: https://phabricator.kde.org/D3684
‎[20:10] ‎<‎sKreamer‎>‎ Diff 3684 "WIP: Media Controls on lock screen"
[Accepted] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3684
‎[20:10] ‎<‎kbroulik‎>‎ * KAuthorized import for KDeclarative, will
merge soon - there'll be a lineedit_reveal_password restriction that
will disable this button for security
‎[20:10] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ got a backtrace?
‎[20:10] *** crazy_ is now known as crazy.
‎[20:10] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ (Also I will need help in solving teh Text thingie..)
‎[20:11] ‎<‎kbroulik‎>‎ notmart: the more I recompile and gdb the worse
the bt gets
‎[20:11] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ :(
‎[20:11] ‎<‎kbroulik‎>‎ next
‎[20:11] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ old to new applet? there's a new icon applet? did
the plugin id change? we hardcode it all over the place
‎[20:11] ‎<‎bshah‎>‎ what is bt so far? :P
‎[20:11] ‎<‎kbroulik‎>‎ Sho_: no, it's the same applet. but the new one
expected the config in a different place (plasmoid.configuration.url
took into account k xml config and wrote into [General]) whereas the new
one looks in generic [Configuration] of the applet
‎[20:12] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ ah
‎[20:12] ‎<‎kbroulik‎>‎ the applet can deal with both cases now
‎[20:12] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ aight
‎[20:12] ‎<‎kbroulik‎>‎ basically, git pull, make install, restart
plasma, and it should all be as it was
‎[20:12] ‎<‎kbroulik‎>‎ it now places some desktop files in
‎[20:12] ‎<‎kbroulik‎>‎ that you can then edit as you please using
kpropertiesdialog :)
‎[20:13] ‎<‎kbroulik‎>‎
‎[20:13] ‎<‎kbroulik‎>‎ next() ):
‎[20:13] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ Riddell's time to shine
‎[20:14] ‎<‎Riddell‎>‎ not too much shining from me
‎[20:14] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ c'mon, be fabulous!
‎[20:14] ‎<‎Riddell‎>‎ 5.8.5 is in 8 days time, I expect I'll get the
time to do it, can't remember why I sheduled it during holidays but
‎[20:15] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ let's see if that "yest another multiscreen fix"
in it, will be "it"
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ :)
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Riddell‎>‎ it's nice when new deps are added to tell
packagers such as kirigami2 now needed, although I guess if we compile
stuff in development we get whatever it is
‎[20:15] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ it's always the next one :)
‎[20:15] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ uuh, 5.8.5 shouldn't need kirigami2?
‎[20:15] ‎<‎Riddell‎>‎ notmart: no, separate topic
‎[20:16] ‎<‎Riddell‎>‎ kirigami2 is needed in master
‎[20:16] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ ok
‎[20:16] ‎<‎Riddell‎>‎ oh l10n people say they're now interested in
doing an LTS branch
‎[20:16] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ ideally devs would add it to the dep data in the dep
data git repo
‎[20:16] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ and packagers could subscribe for notifications to it
‎[20:17] ‎<‎Riddell‎>‎ so I'll work with them when that's needed next
year to make a new branch for l10n and update releaseme to use it
‎[20:17] ‎<‎sitter‎>‎ notmart: for script themes yes, for terminal
themes I am not sure. I think a render gets a pixelbuffer from libply to
paint. from a terminal theme there'd be no pixel buffer though. e.g.
terminal themes also do not work with plymouth-x11
‎[20:17] ‎<‎Riddell‎>‎ that's all from me
‎[20:17] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ alright
‎[20:17] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ my turn then
‎[20:18] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * [TM] Worked more with Roman on the TM tooltip
redesign; he will submit for review soon, I will review probably after
NYE (see below)
‎[20:18] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * [General/Launchers] Fixed arrow keyboard nav in
PlasmaComponents.TabBar in RTL locales, affects e.g. Kickoff -
‎[20:18] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * [Pager] Increased icon size in Pager applets on
user request and fixed stacking order for optional label to be below
windows - https://phabricator.kde.org/D3719
‎[20:18] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * [Other] Code reviews, Yakuake hackings
‎[20:18] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * [Hrm] I still have "virtual desktop stuff for
Wayland" on my 5.9 plate, and there will be ~10 days in Jan to get it in
- still haven't made much progress due to the learning curve and Martin
not being around much, will probably try to do more research over the
holidays ...
‎[20:18] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ * [Personal] On vacation from tomorrow, returning
Jan 2nd - please review my patches today if you can, ping me soon if you
need urgent reviews from me
‎[20:18] ‎<‎sKreamer‎>‎ Diff 3718 "Fix logic for arrow handling in RTL
locales." [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3718
‎[20:18] ‎<‎sKreamer‎>‎ Diff 3719 "Larger icons and stack windows above
label item." [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3719
‎[20:18] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ would be better than nothing..
‎[20:18] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ sitter: any place where i can look at that for
‎[20:19] ‎<‎Riddell‎>‎ Sho_: you'll reach next year before us, you'll
have to tell us what the future is like
‎[20:19] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ aye
‎[20:19] ‎<‎sitter‎>‎ notmart: plymouth source code has a renders
directory with a gtk, drm and fb implementation
‎[20:19] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ oki
‎[20:19] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ also  I can finally learn some Qt now
‎[20:19] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ https://www.instagram.com/p/BOJndnDFWVB/
‎[20:20] ‎<‎llucas‎>‎ Sho_ what about merging virtual desktops and
‎[20:20] ‎<‎romangg‎>‎ cool design
‎[20:20] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ llucas: that's not immediately relevant to the code
side, but the code side will be written to allow that if we want to
‎[20:21] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ things that would be needed in the design for it
are mostly
‎[20:21] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ same uuid name format
‎[20:21] ‎<‎llucas‎>‎ Ok
‎[20:21] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ and possibility to set a window to more than one
‎[20:22] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ the API won't use ids in any way and doesn't have a
limitation wrt/ how many desktops
‎[20:22] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ so any mapping is possible later
‎[20:22] ‎<‎notmart‎>‎ after that, all would be needed is some machinery
that keeps available virtual desktops uuids and activities in sync
‎[20:23] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ ok that's it for the meeting then, i'll go on to do
notes and wait for patch reviews
‎[20:23] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ ;)
‎[20:23] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ cheers


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