Minutes Monday Plasma Meeting

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon Dec 5 12:05:30 UTC 2016

Plasma Meeting minutes 5-12-2016

Present: notmart, romangg, kbroulik, sebas, Riddell

- worked on touchpad kcm and also did some stuff in kwin libinput backend.
- kwin stuff: https://phabricator.kde.org/D3590

* fixed flicker of current thumbnail on startup of wallpapers/l&f/plasmatheme
* bug triaging
* Kirigami2:
** all installed files are called kirigami2something, full coinstallability
** refactor PageRow (again!) based upon ListView now
** PageRow is now a public type that can be feely instanced and used
** getting ready to move it in master
* Plasma QQC2 style:
** BusyIndicator
** both qstyle and plasma qqc2 styles are pretty much done: where to go from 

* Apps can now call setUrls on a KNotification to annotate the notification 
which will then show a preview, see my blog post: http://blog.broulik.de/
2016/12/productivity/ (will merge patch for Spectacle to use it shortly)
* Bugfixing wrt popup placement/layouting and a tighter layout for the massive 
* Continued work on, and significantly simplified, the Meta+number for task 
manager activation: D3581 and D3582
Diff 3581 "[PlasmaShell] Introduce activateTaskManagerEntry(index) method" 
[Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3581
Diff 3582 "[Task Manager] Honor activateTaskManagerEntry by plasmashell" 
[Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3582
* Various improvements: can now copy IP address et al from NM applet with 
context menu, D3562, D3593
Diff 3562 "[Task Manager] Create toolTipDelegate on demand" [Needs Review] 
Diff 3593 "[Folder View] Clear hover state when mouse leaves view" [Needs 
Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3593

- --

- polishing sebas/osd branch in kscreen
- tested under Wayland, works, but needed some fixes to work well on both X11 
and WL
- will publish as soon as I've got it working on both
- bug triaging, patch review around that
- new contributor showed up with already two patches in kscreen, trying to 

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-------------- next part --------------
Plasma Meeting minutes 5-12-2016

Present: notmart, romangg, kbroulik, sebas, Riddell

- worked on touchpad kcm and also did some stuff in kwin libinput backend.
- kwin stuff: https://phabricator.kde.org/D3590

* fixed flicker of current thumbnail on startup of wallpapers/l&f/plasmatheme
* bug triaging
* Kirigami2:
** all installed files are called kirigami2something, full coinstallability
** refactor PageRow (again!) based upon ListView now
** PageRow is now a public type that can be feely instanced and used
** getting ready to move it in master
* Plasma QQC2 style:
** BusyIndicator
** both qstyle and plasma qqc2 styles are pretty much done: where to go from here?

* Apps can now call setUrls on a KNotification to annotate the notification which will then show a preview, see my blog post: http://blog.broulik.de/2016/12/productivity/ (will merge patch for Spectacle to use it shortly)
* Bugfixing wrt popup placement/layouting and a tighter layout for the massive popups
* Continued work on, and significantly simplified, the Meta+number for task manager activation: D3581 and D3582
Diff 3581 "[PlasmaShell] Introduce activateTaskManagerEntry(index) method" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3581
Diff 3582 "[Task Manager] Honor activateTaskManagerEntry by plasmashell" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3582
* Various improvements: can now copy IP address et al from NM applet with context menu, D3562, D3593
Diff 3562 "[Task Manager] Create toolTipDelegate on demand" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3562
Diff 3593 "[Folder View] Clear hover state when mouse leaves view" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3593

- --

- polishing sebas/osd branch in kscreen
- tested under Wayland, works, but needed some fixes to work well on both X11 and WL
- will publish as soon as I've got it working on both
- bug triaging, patch review around that
- new contributor showed up with already two patches in kscreen, trying to groom hi


[12:01:57] <sebas> YAY, meeting!
[12:02:05] <sebas> Who's in?
[12:02:21] <romangg> morning. me.
[12:02:29] <sebas> hey romangg
[12:04:28] <sebas> notmart? kbroulik? alive?
[12:04:33] -*- kbroulik
[12:04:41] <notmart> here
[12:04:46] <sebas> d_ed, bshah?
[12:05:38] <-- archetech_lfs (~noota5 at 108-78-29-140.lightspeed.livnmi.sbcglobal.net) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[12:06:06] --> BaloneyGeek (~bg14ina at kde/bgupta) has joined #plasma
[12:06:13] <sebas> alright ... let's start with romangg
[12:06:33] <sebas> Sho_: ?
[12:06:54] <romangg> this will be a short meeting^^
[12:07:15] <romangg> worked on touchpad kcm and also did some stuff in kwin libinput backend.
[12:07:17] <Riddell> hi
[12:07:32] <romangg> kwin stuff: https://phabricator.kde.org/D3590
[12:07:32] <sKreamer> Diff 3590 "[libinput] Sane unset behaviour of scroll method and acceleration profile properties" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3590
[12:08:05] <sebas> Hey Riddell
[12:08:11] <sebas> ok, notmart's next
[12:08:19] <romangg> the touchpad kcm is mostly finished. at the moment I want to implement tooltips to give more informations to the user on certain options then just the label. but somehow it shows the tooltip always somewhere else. any idea?
[12:09:06] <sebas> wayland or x11?
[12:09:10] <romangg> I'm using PlasmaCore.ToolTipArea. wayland
[12:09:17] <sebas> Hm, should work
[12:09:23] <sebas> notmart: any idea?
[12:09:42] <notmart> yes, that one should give correct coordinates
[12:10:00] <notmart> even tough would be better not to use plasmacore.* in qwidget-looking stuff
[12:10:16] <notmart> romangg: what's the content of the tooltips?
[12:10:17] <-- soee_ (~soee at user-164-127-175-85.play-internet.pl) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[12:11:13] <romangg> notmart: thanks for helping. let's do this after the meeting to not halt it?
[12:11:16] --> soee (~soee at user-164-127-175-85.play-internet.pl) has joined #plasma
[12:11:21] <notmart> ok
[12:11:21] <bshah> sebas: hello, I am here, but since arrived home half hour back, not ready with notes.. so I will just folllow up on ML
[12:11:26] <notmart> so i'll go
[12:11:32] <sebas> bshah: sure, thanks for hte heads up
[12:11:33] <notmart> * fixed flicker of current thumbnail on startup of wallpapers/l&f/plasmatheme
[12:11:34] <notmart> * bug triaging
[12:11:36] <notmart> * Kirigami2:
[12:11:37] <notmart> ** all installed files are called kirigami2something, full coinstallability
[12:11:39] <notmart> ** refactor PageRow (again!) based upon ListView now
[12:11:40] <notmart> ** PageRow is now a public type that can be feely instanced and used
[12:11:42] <notmart> ** getting ready to move it in master
[12:11:43] <notmart> * Plasma QQC2 style:
[12:11:45] <notmart> ** BusyIndicator
[12:11:46] <notmart> ** both qstyle and plasma qqc2 styles are pretty much done: where to go from here?
[12:11:50] <notmart> any opinion on the last point?
[12:12:04] <sebas> how do you mean where to go from here?
[12:12:11] <notmart> it's, how to go towards a release for both of them
[12:12:18] <sebas> make them available to everybody, review, testing?
[12:12:18] --> soee_ (~soee at user-164-127-175-85.play-internet.pl) has joined #plasma
[12:12:19] <-- soee (~soee at user-164-127-175-85.play-internet.pl) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:12:28] <notmart> one will probably be a standalone extragear release, the plasma one in plasma-framework
[12:12:44] <notmart> even tough "kindof" introduces a 5.7 dependency that may be a problem
[12:13:08] <notmart> (tough in reality on 5.6 all would just work, it just installs some "dead" files""
[12:13:28] <sebas> I wouldn't actually mind that so much
[12:13:36] <sebas> it does help to reduce complexity a lot
[12:14:00] <notmart> for the qstyle based ones.. no idea
[12:14:17] <kbroulik> qqc2 plasma style - how does that work? is PlasmaComponents.Button then a QQC2 button with style?
[12:14:18] <notmart> eventually would be either a standalone framework
[12:14:24] <notmart> or frameworks-integration
[12:14:45] <notmart> kbroulik: i didn't touch plasmacomponents yet
[12:14:50] <kbroulik> ah ok
[12:14:55] <notmart> (and i'm not sure if it's worth to do like, ever)
[12:15:10] <d_ed> why do you think that?
[12:15:20] <notmart> it just installs a qqc2 style that draws things with plasmacore stuff
[12:15:55] <notmart> d_ed: mostly because i'm not too sure 100% compatibility could be achieved
[12:16:24] <notmart> maybe in the future if many of the badly missing things in qqc2 will be introduced back
[12:16:31] <Riddell> notmart: anything needs packaging for kirigami2 in neon unstable?
[12:16:32] <d_ed> we don't need it to have 100% compatibility, we can mix version numbers
[12:16:34] <notmart> like icons in buttons or actions
[12:16:41] <kbroulik> depends on the control I guess
[12:17:07] <d_ed> but yes, it's not worth doing if there are going to be problems, but we should be reporting/fixing them
[12:17:16] <kbroulik> there are users of "menu" and "style" properties in PlasmaComponents Button.. :/
[12:17:18] <notmart> and so far, i really see zero advantages of trying to migrate
[12:17:33] <sebas> not even performance?
[12:17:44] <kbroulik> anyone tried qt 5.8 with qml caching yet?
[12:17:45] <notmart> imo, very marginal
[12:17:57] <notmart> kbroulik: on my laptop yes
[12:18:03] <d_ed> kbroulik: yeah
[12:18:03] <notmart> and i see things slower, if anything :p
[12:18:04] <kbroulik> does that make a difference for plasma?
[12:18:06] <kbroulik> xD
[12:18:07] <d_ed> not really
[12:18:10] <kbroulik> :/
[12:18:44] <notmart> in plasma even more marginal, because we use very little "standard" components
[12:19:08] <notmart> most of our graphical stuff is some strange little unique snowflake
[12:19:14] <notmart> (and that's part of the problem)
[12:19:27] <sebas> a traditional thing...
[12:19:50] <sebas> ok, let's move on with the meeting and discuss this on the list or later
[12:19:55] <sebas> kbroulik?
[12:19:58] <notmart> ok
[12:20:16] --> chinmoy (~chinmoy at has joined #plasma
[12:20:39] <chinmoy> kbroulik : ping
[12:20:42] <-- BaloneyGeek (~bg14ina at kde/bgupta) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[12:21:04] --> BaloneyGeek (~bg14ina at kde/bgupta) has joined #plasma
[12:21:11] <sebas> Riddell: anything to report?
[12:21:14] <sebas> d_ed: you?
[12:21:51] <Riddell> sebas: no don't think so
[12:21:51] <kbroulik> Did some work on notifications:
[12:21:51] <kbroulik> * Apps can now call setUrls on a KNotification to annotate the notification which will then show a preview, see my blog post: http://blog.broulik.de/2016/12/productivity/ (will merge patch for Spectacle to use it shortly)
[12:21:56] <kbroulik> * Bugfixing wrt popup placement/layouting and a tighter layout for the massive popups
[12:21:58] <kbroulik> * Continued work on, and significantly simplified, the Meta+number for task manager activation: D3581 and D3582
[12:21:59] <sKreamer> Diff 3581 "[PlasmaShell] Introduce activateTaskManagerEntry(index) method" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3581
[12:21:59] <sKreamer> Diff 3582 "[Task Manager] Honor activateTaskManagerEntry by plasmashell" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3582
[12:22:01] <kbroulik> * Various improvements: can now copy IP address et al from NM applet with context menu, D3562, D3593
[12:22:01] <sKreamer> Diff 3562 "[Task Manager] Create toolTipDelegate on demand" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3562
[12:22:01] <sKreamer> Diff 3593 "[Folder View] Clear hover state when mouse leaves view" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3593
[12:22:39] <sebas> kbroulik: ah awesome (copy IP)
[12:23:09] <sebas> alright ... I think I'm left then
[12:23:19] <sebas> I'm usually always right, so that's new :P
[12:23:20] <kbroulik> it's quite neat to have two novice linux users on kde neon :P they spot issues I would have never cared about, ie. I just used ifconfig
[12:23:34] <sebas> hehe, yeah ... confronting!
[12:23:45] <sebas> - polishing sebas/osd branch in kscreen
[12:23:45] <sebas> - tested under Wayland, works, but needed some fixes to work well on both X11 and WL
[12:23:45] <sebas> - will publish as soon as I've got it working on both
[12:23:45] <sebas> - bug triaging, patch review around that
[12:23:45] <sebas> - new contributor showed up with already two patches in kscreen, trying to groom
[12:24:08] <-> HoloIRCUser1 is now known as llucas
[12:24:37] <sebas> the osd branch needed a bit more work than I thought ... only half of what I thought I had already done was implemented, so I'm gonna hack on that today and push it forward, this thing is blocking further work on the KCM, which again blocks a whole bunch of UI-level bugs
[12:24:43] <sebas> to put it into context
[12:25:07] <sebas> the osd stuff also makes it ready for Wayland as an added bonus (and my main motivation to rewrite those bits)
[12:25:47] <sebas> and with that ... let's close the meeting and get back to lun^Wwork
[12:25:54] <sebas> thanks everybody for attending!

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