Discussion about module-device-manager change to module-switch-on-connect

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at kde.org
Sun Aug 21 14:44:26 UTC 2016

Am 2016-08-21 16:16, schrieb Mark Gaiser:
> Hi,
> Disclaimer:
> Specially on this list i tend to jump to conclusions or come across as
> rude at times. I'm trying to be constructive here with a "what would
> the user like best" point of view.
> The background for this topic started ~2 years ago. I tried to get my
> USB headphone to work with PulseAudio, but somehow it didn't work as i
> would expect it. That caused me to start a mailing list thread on
> pulseaudio-discuss which you can read here [1]. The issues were
> identified, but PulseAudio was at fault at that point in time.
> What i wanted: plug in a USB headset and sound will be redirected
> there. Unplug it and the sound would redirect to wherever it was
> before.

That's certainly not what I would want. For me the USB headset is an 
additional device I want to use for certain use cases. E.g. phone calls. 
But it does not mean that it should result in the audio being redirected 
there. This is especially important for everybody who uses headphones 
for only phone calls. The last thing I want to have is my ears explode 
because the music gets suddenly redirected to the headphones I just 
plugged in for a phone call.

While I understand that your use case is different, it doesn't mean that 
this is something which should be changed. Our two use cases are mutual 
exclusive. Neither your nor mine does say anything about what should be 
the default.

Thus I think David's idea of making it configurable would be a good 


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