RFC: Enabling users to report issues with Plasma widgets

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Mon Apr 4 17:06:40 UTC 2016


1. take your favourite Plasma widget
2. find a bug or idea for an improvement with it
3. report it to the maintainer of the widget

1. & 2. are easy.
But 3. is not easy at all.

Are endusers supposed to report issues with Plasma widgets and get in contact 
with its developers, designers, translators?

If "of course, yes" then they need to be enabled & encouraged to do so.
At least every XMLGUI-based QWidget app has "Help">"Report Bug...". IMHO there 
should be something similar for Widgets. And something like "About" info as 
well, to know who to talk to or where the widget is from and the version.

Right now an enduser has no single clue in the UI where to go to with any 
widget issues. As a widget developer I experience that as a big burden, 
because it prevents feedback from the average enduser. Which sucks.

Please comment on this. Once I know your ideas about that, I would consider 
pushing this further to the VDG, so they can draft a nice UX for that, one 
without bloating the UI but still being discoverable and useable.

By accident I discovered people talking on a forum about problems with the 
Addons Weather widget. I was going to tell them to pretty-please instead 
report their problems to upstream. Preparing that reply I then saw that lots 
of insider information is needed to get from the displayed widget name in the 
Plasma workspace to bugs.kde.org and then a product&component combo (if that 
even exists, only created the one for the Weather widget while looking for it, 
dumdidum). And contacting the developer or translator also needs lot of 
research before.


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