Plasma mobile and Fairphone

Martin Steigerwald martin at
Thu Oct 15 12:34:34 UTC 2015

Hello Sebastian.

Am Sonntag, 26. Juli 2015, 20:08:04 CEST schrieb Sebastian Kügler:
> > We were in contact with Fairphone last year about participating in the
> > Randa  Meetings which in the end didn't happen because of too many events
> > on their side. I can try and get in contact this year again. Or I can
> > introduce somebody here?
> me! I'm living in the Netherlands and was already planning to contact them
> and  visit their office for a coffee.

Did you talk with Fairphone people meanwhile?

At least it seems they have obtained licenses to the software the are 
currently using. And they are evaluating to prolong the life of the phones by 
using something else than Android:

> A second path we are exploring is the possibility of replacing the Android
> software by alternative operating systems (Ubuntu OS/Firefox OS/Sailfish
> OS) in an effort to prolong the life of the device (as that software is
> more cost-effective to maintain). While we’re still in the exploratory
> phases along these tracks, we do hope it’s clear that we’re committed to
> supporting our Fairphone 1 owners in the future. Thanks for sticking with
> us on this path to improve our phone’s longevity.

Of course, I expect with Fairphone 2 being a Qualcomm device the software 
support may be better in terms of being free software friendly.


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