Review Request 125562: Default for look and feel of applets, take 2

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Oct 12 15:00:20 UTC 2015

On Oct. 12, 2015, 1:36 p.m., Marco Martin wrote:
> > could we use if (id==0) rather than introducing new signals in p-f?

looking at it, (and trying a patch that ended up very ugly and not really working) at the moment on plasma5 layout templates can only work for panels, as layout templates for desktops at the moment can only create new activities but there isn't any api in the desktop scripting to just create a Desktop containment.
and probably there shouldn't be, as creating a new Desktop containment via scripting would just create an "orphaned" containment that wouldn't really do anything and not be anywhere, except perhaps this kind of script, but just broken in setup scripts and in the interactive console.
So I think all considered, I prefer keeping layout templates just limited to their current use that is pre-populated panels that appear in the create panel context menu.
For desktop, layout templates would go back making sense if and only if the activity manager would again have a "create new activity of type..." option when creating activities as there was in KDE4, but not sure about it.
Otherwise just for default containments configs, I would just stick to the current patch form

- Marco

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On Oct. 9, 2015, 4:29 p.m., Marco Martin wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Oct. 9, 2015, 4:29 p.m.)
> Review request for Plasma and Eike Hein.
> Repository: plasma-workspace
> Description
> -------
> (draft) mutually exclusive with
> a bit more flexible
> different approach: execute a script from the look and feel package when an applet is added, adding to the script environment "applet" that wraps the currently added applet and "containment" that wraps its containment.
> from there the javascript part can do anything it can do in the startup script as well.
> Still missing, something similar will have to be executed when a new containment is added as well.
> Diffs
> -----
>   shell/packageplugins/lookandfeel/lookandfeel.cpp a6cef04 
>   shell/shellcorona.h 0e6fe04 
>   shell/shellcorona.cpp 37d0534 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Thanks,
> Marco Martin

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