Minutes Monday Plasma Hangout

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Mon Oct 12 10:41:22 UTC 2015

Present: David, Jens, Martin G, Marco

date: Monday 12 October 2015

- fixed bugs
- windows can cover is back
- wednesday afternoon every week debugging session

- doing videos of unknown side features

Martin G
- been at Qt World Summit
- kate autocompletion works on wayland
- opengl mode for virtual kwin in progress, still in progress (on CI still 
using qpainter backend)
- phone hacking, getting rid of panel flickering (for now have to get rid of 
blur/contrast effects)
- using newer libhybris
- unfortunately input doesn't works- short term: reverting removal of old 
input method
- long term: new AOSP
- next week, geometry handling for wayland, still very X specific 

- debugging session with David: this will be a weekly event open to everybody
- work on mobile components
- work on a way to provide overridden default configurations for plasmoids 
added manually, needed by distributions that want to have certain plasmoids 
with different defaults, still partly conflicting with layout templates

Marco Martin

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