problem stacking panels.

Stéphane ancelot sancelot at
Fri Oct 9 08:58:09 UTC 2015


I have got problems migrating my application from gnome to kdE.

Have a look at next image : 

the display representation is as follow (19 inch vertical display) :

|            |
|      1     |
|            |
|            |
|            |
|            |
|            |
|      2     |
|      3     |
|      4     |

4 areas are fixed and always visible. yes, we can tell they are docked.

Area 1 : this is the desktop area, where all user applications will be 
visible (our branding application and any user application (emails, ....).

Area 2: this is an area dedicated to a virtual keyboard. The onboard 
virtual keyboard seems being a good solution, regarding our first 
experience .

Area 3 : this is an area dedicated to our application with some buttons 
to drive a CNC machine. That part must be re-ingenered to be integrated 
in KDE environment. (I don't know at this time which kde technology it 
should use ?? this up to you to tell me in which right direction we must 
go further)

Area 4 , this is a default customised panel, always visible and locked, 
where the user can find date, notifications, network tray icon, launcher 

The area 1 and 2  and 4 seem working well .

The major problem is with areas 3 , we tried to add another panel, from 
the desktop and stack it under the area 4, but it has not worked. Area 3 
and 4 overloap each other. So, this seems being a wrong direction 
regarding area 3. Yes, we can say it is a docked application.
any solution ?

R&D Developer

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