Activity switching on window activation

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Mon Nov 30 20:20:45 UTC 2015

Hi all,

A long time ago, we decided that out of the following options, the
first one was better:

- (1) when a window is activated by external entity (a document opens
in an existing kate instance that is on a different activity to the
current one), kwin switches to the activity
- (2) --||--, kwin moves the window to the current activity

I still think (1) is better than (2) and that it is a problem of
specific applications like kate that like opening everything in the
same window, and that those ought to be patched.

BUT, a user made a nice point about why the current behaviour is wrong
- it is a bit of a privacy problem - the system can unexpectedly
switch to a different activity and reveal something that the user
didn't want to.

While I'm still not for (2), we might consider another solution - when
the application opens up or activates a window in a non-current
activity, instead of automatically switching to that activity, we
might show a notification 'blah blah is open in blah blah activity'
with a button to switch to it.



KDE, ivan.cukic at,
gpg key id: 850B6F76

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