RFC: New KWin effect for notifications

Martin Klapetek martin.klapetek at gmail.com
Thu Nov 26 17:56:21 UTC 2015

On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 12:43 PM, Marco Martin <notmart at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thursday 26 November 2015, Martin Klapetek wrote:
> > I've considered the slide effect but it has number of short-
> > comings for the notifications usecase and would have to
> > be modified heavily to replicate the current effect.
> what are specifically the shortcomings?

* setting an offset makes it appear out of nowhere;
  that itself would be moreless fine, but the disappearing
  animation makes it look really strange, it basically just
  shrinks in height in place. This works fine when things
  looks attached to the panel, then it looks like it slides
  back to the panel, but with a detached popup it just
  doesn't look good

* the offset seems to be from screen edge rather than
  from a strut edge

* the popups are appearing in vertical stack and if one
  of the bottom popups closes, the others are animated
  to slide down; that's not entirely possible with slideWindow

I would like if it's a different effect that it really has a different use
> case, not to be a workaround of a bug.

Yep, that's what I want to do.

Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer
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