oxygen master installing oxygen.png

Harald Sitter sitter at kde.org
Sun May 3 21:48:16 UTC 2015


as of late oxygen master is installing hicolor/256x256/oxygen.png
which is somewhat meh as that icon is also installed by the
oxygen-icons tarball. now the problem with that is that breeze icons
inherits oxygen making it a semi-required dependency of plasma5 and
due to co-installability considerations oxygen-icons would also be
required to make sure kdelibs4 apps work as expected.

all of this essentially means that every distribution would need to
deal with this file conflict in some form or fashion and that of
course is duplicated work so it would be super awesome if oxygen
master could be changed to use a different icon name to resolve the
file conflict (e.g. use the name oxygen-settings.png instead maybe?)

random related log output:
19:43:51  trying to overwrite
'/usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/oxygen.png', which is also in
package oxygen-icon-theme 4:14.12.3-0ubuntu1


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