[PATCH] [kcms/phonon] Don't overwrite audio profile entries with same priority

Bernie Innocenti bernie at codewiz.org
Wed Jun 17 18:44:59 UTC 2015

On 17/06/15 01:03, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> Sounds all sensible. It's a wiki, though, and I'm sure nobody will mind (but
> indeed anybody will be thankful) if you went ahead and changed these things. I
> just did a rough go-over to update the most glaring anachronisms. If you're
> unsure about detailed changes, I can review the document once done.

Done. Please review my edits to make they're ok:


I also deleted everything that seemed to be obsolete or not very 
relevant to keep the instructions readable. I wasn't too sure about that 
long paragraph explaining how to produce patches by hand with diff, so I 
left it there.

  _ // Bernie Innocenti
  \X/  http://codewiz.org

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