[PATCH] [kcms/phonon] Don't overwrite audio profile entries with same priority

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon Jun 15 17:49:03 UTC 2015

Hi Bernie,

Thanks for your patch!

On Monday, June 15, 2015 04:35:50 Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> This is a bug that's been annoying me for ages. My system has 3 HDMI
> ports, and HDMI2 would show in pavucontrol, but not show in kcm_phonon.
> The reason was that HDMI3 had the same priority of HDMI2 and would be
> overridden in the cardInfo profiles QMap.

Could you post the patch to reviewboard and include "sitter" (Harald Sitter) 
in the reviewers field. Patches on mailinglist are hard to review, hard to 
track and tend to get lost.


Sebastian Kügler    |    http://vizZzion.org    |     http://kde.org

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