Notes from the Wayland and Plasma BoF

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Tue Jul 28 11:06:55 UTC 2015

Plasma on Wayland

- kscreen
    - wayland backend is currently in libkscreen repo under [sebas/wayland]
    - wayland backend move into kwinwaylandintegration repo (or whatever it's 
called) (sebas to move into branch, mgraesslin and dvratil to review)
    - patches outside of backends/wayland to merge (sebas)

- Dialog placement is random; window positioning
    - plugin architecture for Dialog
    - plugin in KWayland integration
    - we don't have any idea how we can do that, but he does that
    - we may but don't want to break the X11 version which is very brittle
    - can we do with subclassing to separate wayland and X11 implementation
    - shadows need to go into Dialog

- Thumbnails
    - currently in plasma-framework
    - needs xcb (similar problem like dialog)
    - Plugin?
    - how do we get the thumbnail from kwin to Plasma?
    - Plasma could /also/ be a wayland compositor and receive surfaces from 
    - -> ask Mesa/Wayland devs

- screen locker
    - currently, you can unlock using ALT+F4, Martin thinks this is bad
    - Martin wants to move the screen locker into kwin
        - not render any other window (saves CPU cycles)
        - on-screen keyboard and greeter are allowed to render
    - the unlock screen needs to show the user that it's the greeter and 
privileged by doing something only kwin can do (so nobody can fake a password 
    - same requirement for KAuth
    -> needs a design icm VDG

- effects (blur/contrast/presentwindows)
    - will need special sauce wayland protocols
    - "effect protocols" are part of plugins

- Taskmanager
    - (needs discussion with Eike)

- Pager
    - write code in kwindowsystem that doesn't need X11
    - use that code

- Window Types
    - we try to get it into XDG shell
    - if not possible try to get it into QtExtendedSurface (a wl protocol)

- High DPI
    - we need something to make not scaled windows bigger
    - David is heroically and majestically taking that on
    - high res apps on a low res screen -> make them smaller

Sebastian Kügler    |    |

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