Review Request 124234: Add option to always show all system tray icons

Xen list at
Fri Jul 3 06:43:49 UTC 2015

Good, the layout looks better. It still gets lost in between the  
preceding text and the options. That's why I suggtested putting it  
below (as long as the text doesn't scroll off the window because there  
are too many items to display, and even then).

Right now you skip over it (visually, mentally) because the list gets  
all the attention, it is the focal point of the sgreen and what you  
came for. So you first need to satisfy that before you can introduce  
additional elements. Everyone is like omg such a fancy list- oh  
there's something else too. Give it a try.

I agree with Andrew that dimming is not really necessary here. And  
maybe not something you want either.

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