screenlocker focus questions

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Tue Jan 6 12:45:39 UTC 2015


So I'm attempting to fix the focus of the screenlocker. When the screenlocker 
is started, the focus should be on the password input, so you can directly 
type after the machine woke up. This worked previously (I had already fixed it 
twice), but broke again recently.

I've tried a few things involving forceActiveFocus(), but they all don't seem 
to work anymore. I can get the locker to work if I click on it, or if I hit 
tab, in the latter case, the focus moves to the userlist, and when selecting a 
different user, it moves to the password field.

I want to move it to the password field initially, but for example calling 
forceActiveFocus() in the password's onCompleted: handler doesn't do that.

I've looked at the git log, and there weren't any changes in those QML files, 
so I assume the problem lies elsewhere. Maybe the window isn't getting focus 
correctly? I know a few things changed around it, so maybe someone (Martin?) 
has an idea where to look?

I'm also working blind here, since I couldn't find out how to get at the 
console output of the screenlocker, any ideas?

sebas | | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9

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