systemsettings, kde-cli-tools and other plasma components on non-Plasma/non-X11 platforms

René J. V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Mon Dec 21 14:33:00 UTC 2015

Aleix Pol wrote:

> It's a matter of what we expose I'd say, though, as you only want to
> change application-specific settings within the application.

Yes, I guess you're right about that. Some applications provide a palette 
selector (but no way to edit palettes), most if not all a language selection 
option (I forgot the internationalisation kcm in my OP!) but none of those 
provide a shortcut to apply that selection globally.

Anyway, that more or less takes us back to the fact that there is already a 
central interface/utility to control relevant settings. It could use a more 
appropriate name on platforms where those settings don't relate to the system 
(*) and it might be useful to rearrange the organisation on such platforms. But 
rewriting something from scratch that is going to provide very similar 
functionality in the end seems like a waste of everyone's time.

*) I'm not sure that "System Settings" is the most appropriate name on a Plasma 
desktop either, but I'll leave it at that :)


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