GCI tasks needed

Bhushan Shah bhush94 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 5 11:43:00 UTC 2015


As you guys may already know we are participating in Google code in
2015 like previous years. This years contest is starting on 7th
December. And we are running very low on tasks this year.. We need
total 75 tasks before Monday when contest starts..

If you have small tasks in your project, please head over to
https://codein.withgoogle.com and add your tasks.

There are total 5 categories in which you can add your tasks:

- Code
- User interface
- Documentation/Training
- Quality Assurance
- Outreach/Research

If you are not yet signed up as mentor of the KDE organization, please
ping either me, valorie or Nightrose in the #kde-soc channel with your
Gmail or Google sign-in enabled email address and we will invite you
then you will be able to add the tasks in the Google code-in website.


Bhushan Shah

IRC Nick : bshah on Freenode

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