Plasmate: Ctrl-S double assigned

Thomas Tanghus thomas at
Tue Aug 4 03:27:07 UTC 2015

After being pleasantly surprised over how comfortable it is to code with 
QML/JavaScript for Sailfish OS, I wanted to give it a go under Plasma, and 
maybe port my apps to Plasmoids.

I thought Plasmate would be the easiest way to start; and it does look like a 
nice IDE for newcomers.

Well the first thing I did was to change the coding comment[*] from iso-8859-1 
to utf-8 and press Ctrl-S. The dreadful "This key combination is ambiguous" 
popup showed.

The Ctrl-S shortcut is assigned to both Save and Save end point - or something 
like that, and it seems to be impossible to reassign the latter, as it is the 

This is a very bad way to start to use the application, when you have to 
through hoops just to have a normal workflow.

OK, I'll file a bug report. Help->Report bug... (btw, there are two Help menu 
items). A non-standard - at least I haven't seen it before - report form pops 
up. I write the report and press send. Nothing happens for some  seconds, then 
"Unable to send the bug report.Please submit a bug report manually.... See for instructions.Server said: "550 relay not permitted""

I could see the dialog would have sent it here if it could, so I did that 
instead of b.k.o

Anyways: The startup dialog suggested nicely to follow a tutorial. I have been 
trying to find one to no avail. Does anybody know where to find one and a 
reference of the Plasma specific QML components?

[*] Is that even used in QML? I have only seen it in Python.
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Thomas Tanghus

A: Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
Q: Why is top posting bad?
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