5.4 kickoff meeting

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at kde.org
Wed Apr 29 12:31:30 UTC 2015

On Wednesday 29 April 2015 13:22:47 David Edmundson wrote:
> I have some things I want to add to the agenda
>  - dividing up the most major bugs in 5.3.0 between us for priority fixing
> I can create that list.
>  - we have one recurring piece of feedback about different wallpaperes on
> different virtual desktops. We should discuss it a bit.

speaking of recurring piece of feedback: xembed systray.

Over the last 12 months the most often clicked blog post was:
* Where are my systray icons? (12,702 views)
followed by:
* System Tray in Plasma Next (10,879 views)

The next blog post has just half of the number of views.

From what I see the main issues are:
* skype being 32 bit, so one needs to manually install sni-qt:i386 (yes 
distros could help here, but in practice they don't)
* dropbox statically linking Qt
* wine having weird own stuff
* Java having weird own stuff
* 3rd party extensions for applications (e.g. Firefox/Thunderbird)

So it's unfortunately also a candidate to discuss :-(

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