Minutes Monday Plasma Hangout

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon Sep 29 10:40:15 UTC 2014

Minutes Plasma Hangout, 29-9-2014

Present: Jens, Marco, Alex, David, Jonathan, Martin, Vishesh, Kai Uwe, Sebas

For updates on TODO/status, see also Kanban board at: 

- pushed changes to libsolid[master], off by default, up to Lukas to decide 
when to make it default

- Fixed some issues in breeze in QtQuickControls (it's really good now)
- Fixed bugs in Dialog
- Tidied up KWidgetsAddons
- Will investigating XSession issue in SDDM

- Updates to systray icons in now
- More work on systemtray design under way
- Working on applications

- Plasma 5.1 beta is out tomorrow, feedback for pre-packages is good
- Then 10 days to make 5.1.0 reliable
- weekly isos currently moving from neon5 to kubuntu5

Kai Uwe:
- Did bug triaging and fixing
- Fixes to icon sizing in systemtray
- Fixes in config, tooltips
- Wants to make KMessageWidget QML port ready for KQuickControls, but take it 
to the VDG first for polish
- investigating problem in notifications popup

- Merged dialog changes by Vishesh
- Investigating a positioning bug in Dialog
- Merged a refactoring of the shell mechanism
- Shell for shells-as-apps (media center for example)

Martin (Klapetek):
- Merged timezone configuration into digital clock
- Refactoring clock layout, possibly 5.2 material

- Worked on pending events in Baloo: less frequent re-indexing
- Finished KFileMetadata to frameworkify
- Unifying some baloo-indexing APIs, 5.2 material
- Fill finish up Akonadi indexing related changes

- pluginloader: Worked on indexing mechanism in KPluginTrader
- including translations into the index makes it way slower (but reliably 
faster than without indexing)
- to start release promo, with help of others
- Busy with some administrative stuff, code-productivity should return back to 
normal shortly


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