High DPI support - Akademy Notes

David Edmundson david at davidedmundson.co.uk
Thu Sep 25 10:50:21 UTC 2014

As per my part of the tasks I investigated what Gnome/GTK does

 - GTK is also based on 1x, 2x, 4x scaling.

 - gnome have a setting in gsettings

A settings of 0 means determine automatically which is the default which is
done inside the app. From my testing the manual setting didn't seem to

The automatic detection is as follows:

"The threshold is 192 ppi, and it only works for internal panels — if it's
on an HDMI connection then it won't be considered for hidpi purposes, to
avoid broken displays that report stupid sizes like 8cm by 5cm" - Emmanuele

There is no GUI to manually set the scaling.

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