QScreen vs. KScreen in plasmashell

Pier Luigi Fiorini pierluigi.fiorini at gmail.com
Fri Oct 24 08:15:17 UTC 2014

2014-10-24 9:58 GMT+02:00 Daniel Vratil <dvratil at redhat.com>:
> Hi all,
> the current state of multi-monitor support in Plasma 5 is rather bad as both
> Plasma 5 and KWin keep crashing every time there's any change (+ the desktop
> is extremely sluggish for about 15 seconds after that). Many colleagues in my
> office would love to switch to Plasma 5 already, but this is one of the major
> blockers that scares most people away, so it needs to be fixed.
> I was looking into plasmashell code to fix it (and also for a different
> reason, more on that later) and realized that the code is mixing use of
> KScreen and QScreen, and I couldn't resist asking myself why. QScreen provides
> subset of information that KScreen and all I can see in the code is just
> endless conversion between QScreen and respective KScreen::Output and hoping
> they both behave the same. Would it make sense to get rid of QScreen
> completely and use KScreen exclusively? I think it would solve most of the
> crashes I'm currently getting. I'm of course volunteering to do all the work,
> but before I start, I want to make sure there's no real obscure reason for
> keeping both QScreen and KScreen.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> (For the "other reason I was looking into plasmashell": I'm currently working
> on a big KScreen API and design changes, which includes using QSharedPointers,
> having async API, and running platform backends in a separate process to
> improve performance and stability, but I'll send a separate email on that once
> the API is finished, as that will affect all KScreen-enabled applications)

I can think of one reason why QScreen would be better: for Wayland support.
A wl_output can be taken from a QScreen easily using the platform
native API, how do we do with KScreen?

As far as I know there was some work going on to make QScreen better.
I think it's worth checking plasmashell can finally use it.

> --
> Daniel Vrátil | dvratil at redhat.com | dvratil on #kde-devel, #kontact, #akonadi
> Software Engineer - KDE Desktop Team, Red Hat Inc.
> GPG Key: 0xC59D614F6F4AE348
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