Plasma 5.2 Kickoff meeting minutes

Jonathan Riddell jr at
Wed Oct 22 14:37:26 UTC 2014

Notes from today's meeting
There's a supplementary meeting at 18:00 for anyone who didn't make it


Present: mck182 Sho_ unormal d_ed jensreut bshah sebas apol mgraesslin ivan sogatori apol Riddell

-release schedule align with KF5
   decided to move forward 2 weeks
   jriddell will look at dates

-backwards incompatible plasma-framework
  a runtime issue was added to plasma-framework which stopped Plasma 5.0 working with old KF5 releases
  no great ideas for how to ensure this doesn't happen again but be careful when moving anything from plasma to frameworks
  in the next cycle this will likely include Baloo, plasmashell, kglobalacceld
  ensure packagers are told on the release-team list when anything moves to frameworks
-Qt release?
  Qt 5.4 is due out at the end of October, we discussed if Plasma 5.2 should depend on Qt 5.4.
  Qt 5.4 has some nice new features it would be nice to use in Plasma 5.2.
  It was commented that working reliably with both Qt 5.3 and Qt 5.4 would be difficult
  Distro people were unclear when Qt 5.4 would be available in their distros
  Decided to delay decision until Qt 5.4 is out the ask distos if it'll be possible
-Todo items
  New Plasma 5.2 todo board at
  Postponed items from 5.1 moved over
  New items added
  Most important new item "New Wallpaper for 5.2"
Any Other Business
 -Jens announced "Dynamic Window Decoration", an idea of using server side decoations with widgets in the decoration
  developers needed
 -discussed promo briefly
  jonathan will nudge VDG people around beta time to get some pretty screenshots made up

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