Auto-hiding panels

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at
Tue Oct 14 09:23:59 UTC 2014

On Tuesday 14 October 2014 10:43:42 Martin Klapetek wrote:
> Any opinions/objections?

as I implemented it this way I can share the reasons why I did go for re-using 
the screen edge activation we have for other things. First of all: 
consistency. All edges work the same way and users can expect certain 
behavior: if the glow is shown one has to push against the edge to get 

Second reason: multi-usage of the edge: it's possible to use the edge multiple 
times, so it should behave the same way for all of them.

Third reason: preventing unwanted triggering: the auto-hiding panel is there 
for increasing the screen estate. With the panel unhiding without the push 
back it will become difficult to use the newly exposed area. This is 
especially important if one considers that not all pointer devices are very 
precise and not everybody is able to use a pointer device in a precise manner.

Personally I don't care whether there is a pushback or not. From the 
experience over the years with the screen edges I highly recommend to the 
pushback, though.

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