wallpapers on lock screen

Eike Hein hein at kde.org
Mon Oct 13 15:29:55 UTC 2014

On 13.10.2014 17:23, Marco Martin wrote:
> yes, in the case of slideshow or other weird custom animated backgrounds can
> still somewhat be synced, but only so far

An implementation alternative would be what Mac OS X does, maybe:
OS X used to have a lock screen with a generic wallpaper, but as
of Mountain Lion it uses whatever was on the background at the
time the screen gets locked.

On Qt 5.4 we could:

- Dump whatever the QQuickItem containing the wallpaper currently
   shows into a temp file (there's convenient API now for dumping
   QQuickItems into offscreen buffers).

- Use it in the lockscreen if the option is enabled.

That would bypass the syncing problem entirely and simply give us
a static shot of the background at lock time.

Props for somehow suspending and resuming dynamic wallpapers like
the slide show while locked, if the plugin API allows for that, so
there's no sync problem on unlock, too.


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