Minutes Monday Plasma Hangout

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon Oct 13 11:05:30 UTC 2014

Minutes Plasma Hangout, 13-10-2014

Present: Aleix, David, Kai Uwe, Marco, Martin G., Martin K., Jonathan, Harald, 
Jens, Sebastian

For updates on TODO/status, see also Kanban board at: 

- Investigating breakage of new Plasma with older frameworks
- discussing solution, problem is about a codepath duplication in a plugin and 

- Please let him know if there are problems with moving repos to workspace
- Attended Qt DevDays last week
- Has RR about making QIconItem use TextureNode

Kai Uwe:
- investigating where porting to Animator would make sense in Plasma (to 
reduce CPU load)

- bug hunting and  fixing
- especially bugs with single screen, should work fine now

Martin G:
- Attended XDC (see blog at http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2014/10/xdc-2014/ )
- will work on "subcompositor" next
- Keeps focus on Wayland

- Working on release bits (information, mainly)

- Blue Systems is creating weekly isos again now
- based on Kubuntu production packages with CI
- working on PA mixer

Martin K:
- Bug triaging
- Working on KAccounts

- Looking for a dev to work on systemsettings
- Discussing changes in Oxygen between Qt4 and Qt5 version

- Worked on promo
- KWayland addition of wl_display_sync in API almost done
- to make sure 5.1 gets out, then back to Wayland kscreen, 
- perhaps bit of pluginloader


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