Review Request 120568: Save the default browser into the group [Default Applications]

David Faure faure at
Mon Oct 13 07:54:01 UTC 2014

> On Oct. 12, 2014, 8:51 p.m., David Faure wrote:
> > kcms/componentchooser/componentchooserbrowser.cpp, line 102
> > <>
> >
> >     No, I am very much against this.
> >     
> >     The whole point of "use the right KDE app" is to use the right KDE app, not to fire up kfmclient_html for everything including text files, images, calligra documents etc.
> >     The "html" suffix is especially wrong since it would try to use khtmlpart or webkitpart for all of this (explicit mimetype on the command-line).
> >     At least using kde-open would work for all mimetypes, but this is slower (one more intermediate process) than letting the calling app use KRun directly.
> >     
> >     I know that gnome saves the webbrowser as x-scheme-handler/http, but I have always considered this a mistake (and we discussed it at length on the xdg list, so the status quo will remain).
> >     
> >     One solution would be to keep this code (with kde-open) but then special case "if the http scheme handler is kde-open then use KRun directly" in the kio code that looks up x-scheme-handler stuff (grep says: KRun and DesktopExecParser).
> Luc Menut wrote:
>     Sadly, there is no agreement on the way to save the user preference regarding default browser.
>     In this situation, mimeapps.list / x-scheme-handler/http became de facto a standard, even on by non-gnome guys.
>     So, currently, KDE's users have to set this manually.
>     kfmclient_html.desktop is probably not the right choice, but I think that we should really improve this point in KF5 or Plasma, even if it isn't perfect.

If everyone else wants to fire up a browser when clicking on a link to a .odt file, that's their choice. I still maintain that we can do better, thanks to KIO.

Improving: yes, and I described how. Make a desktop file for kde-open, use that when the user selects "use KIO" in the GUI (which is the default, so KDE-based distros should also set this by default), and short-circuit that in KRun and/or DesktopExecParser to avoid the kde-open indirection.

- David

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On Oct. 12, 2014, 8:40 p.m., Luc Menut wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Oct. 12, 2014, 8:40 p.m.)
> Review request for Plasma and David Faure.
> Repository: plasma-desktop
> Description
> -------
> Save the default browser by writing x-scheme-handler/http and x-scheme-handler/https into the group [Default Applications] in the file mimeapps.list .
> Nowadays, many applications look at user preferences for x-scheme-handler/http to determine the default browser, so setting this value would increase interoperability with these applications.
> regards,
> Luc Menut - Mageia
> PS: I don't have write access to kde git, so could you commit the change if the patch looks fine. Thanks.
> Diffs
> -----
>   kcms/componentchooser/componentchooserbrowser.cpp 61af1fd 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Thanks,
> Luc Menut

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