Review Request 121234: [Kickoff] Use latest X11 user time for creating StartupInfoId

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at
Mon Nov 24 19:05:52 UTC 2014

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Review request for Plasma, Eike Hein and Vishesh Handa.

Repository: plasma-desktop


The StartupInfoId is supposed to contain information about the
process and event which triggered the startup of the application.
E.g. in the case of Kickoff it should be the last input event and
the pid of Plasma. By creating the StartupInfoId directly in Kickoff
and passing it to KRun we can ensure that this information is

The code so far lost this information and the launch information
was not correct. The timestamp is set to a "random" timestamp after
the event and the pid is set to the one of the klauncher process.
Furthermore this saves a roundtrip to the X Server from klauncher.

@Eike and Vishesh: I'd suggest to add the same change to Kicker and KRunner.


  applets/kickoff/CMakeLists.txt 817c7e41f4454aab66db5ad84e4b494395e5484f 
  applets/kickoff/core/urlitemlauncher.cpp 2ed074709c88ed10cdd72bae7d2b6bf2879183ae 



started applications through plasmoidviewer and inspected the /proc/x/environ to check the DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID env variable.


Martin Gräßlin

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