[RFC] Which icon to use for kwin's killer helper

Jens Reuterberg jens at ohyran.se
Wed May 28 08:27:59 UTC 2014

> Then just leave the bomb? We probably have more important issues than this.

No, we don't. It may seem really silly and tiny (I completely agree, I don't 
even understand why the icon is there - but as Martin said, every window has 
an icon). But these are the things that add up. If we don't look at the small 
stuff the big stuff will be borked.
(I really want to use an example like the Royal Ship Wasa which when built was 
brilliant - only they added stuff, never looking at the small details and the 
effect it had on the whole which is why hundreds of years later it had to be 
fished out of the waters 500 meters away from where it first set sail (check it 
up on wikipedia for an awesome lesson in why top-down-management and lack of 
detail checking isn't a good thing)

Now this is OT but I think it should be called out - the tiny details are as 
relevant. Of course it this strangles the entire work flow of Martin G that's 
another thing but it sounds like its something fairly easy to fix.

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