Minutes Monday Plasma hangout

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon May 26 11:05:20 UTC 2014

Minutes 26-06-2014

Present: Aleix, Antonis, David, Jens, Marco, Martin G., Martin K., Sebastian

- Investigated Plasma startup performance: What can we do better?

- Plasma Active shell porting:
  - shellpackage support in urlintercepter
David Edmundson:
- Merged some SDDM patches
- Generic bugfixing
- Fixed bug in kconf_update
- Wallpaper competition to be extended for two weeks
- Promo campaign to publicize it
- Material needed for Plasma 5 promo page
- Icon work is progressing
- Systemsettings redesign is underway
- Trying to work out interoperability issues with GTK's CSD

- General bugfixing, triaging
- Some help with shell infrastructure
- kconf_update work to integrate breeze theme
- Plasma::Package might be wanted elsewhere, should it be separate from 

Martin Gräßlin:
- Worked on Intel texture corruption bug (driver-specific problem): 
- XCB flush() issue in Qt (patch underway)
- Worked on race condition between shell and windowcontent painting
- Asked for klipper maintenance (maintainer unreachable), will take over until 
further notice
- Fixed barcodes in Klipper

Martin Klapetek:
- Turned freespacenotifier from notification into notifier item
- Worked on Date & Time KCM
- Proposed improvements to calendar plasmoid
- Various bugfixes

- Cleaned up debugging output from plasmashell
- Streamlined comment fields in KCMs
- Various smallish fixes to theming, reference errors, etc.
- Cleaned up battery layout (simplified UI, performance improvements)
- Bugfixes a nd performance improvements in Kickoff
- Bugfixes and performance improvements in Desktop containment
- General bugfixes
- Plan to do Translations KCM, together with jlayt


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