Plasma Package -> Application Extension Framework?

Kevin Krammer krammer at
Sat May 24 19:11:38 UTC 2014

Hi folks,

first please apologize if this is already under way or done and I am just not 
up to date enough :-)

Basically I was thinking about application scripting, allowing power users, 
sysadmins, etc. to control or extend applications through built-in scripting 

A couple of KDE applications do that already, e.g. Kate, but it is not a very 
common features.
So my base line of thinking was that maybe we can help application developers 
by having common code and tools available as a framework.

One of the features that would likely be interesting to most application 
developers is how to handle installation and runtime detection of available 

Since I remembered reading about some form of packaging being developed for 
Plasma years ago I went to TechBase and read up a bit on Plasma Package.

What are your opinions on having that in a generic "app extension" framework?
Are there any Plasma specific dependencies in the current code?

Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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