Plasma 5?

Jens Reuterberg jens at
Tue May 6 21:56:27 UTC 2014

Well in all fairness I am all for whatever names comes up. I still think 
"Plasma" is the way to go, skip the numbers and simply go "Yeah its plasma" 
and if someone asks for version number you give whatever it is. 

This is again something that we need to divide into
Technical and Promotion.

These are two entirely different areas with different needs. You don't spit 
out the entire serial number for a Ferrari if you and the person you're 
talking to aren't car nuts - you say "Its a Ferrari" 
When asking for spare parts for you ferrari at the shop you go "Its a Ferrari 
X9 2009 - TL" or something but not in the marketing. At worst you add a catchy 
title to it IF and only if the brand is so flexible it can contain several 
different things, which, lets be fair a linear product like "Plasma" isn't.

Whatever we choose to do - if the central point of marketing is "Hey this is 
the new Plasma, check out the new Plasma" it doesn't matter what its really 
named: as long as it has a name.

(YYYY.MM, 5 or 2)

Reminds me of a friend who when her first child was born she and her boyfriend 
couldn't think of a name. They couldn't think of one days after the kid was 
born making her first birth certificate say "Flickebarnet" ("The Girl Child") 
instead of her first name causing a shit load of confusion later when they had 
to get that fixed.

My point essentially is:
Plasma 2014,06, Plasma 2, Plasma 5, KDE 5... Whatever you guys decide I will 
smile happily and go "YAY" and we can start market the shit out of it. As long 
as we decide it soon :)

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