
Jan Grulich jgrulich at
Fri Mar 14 10:21:17 UTC 2014


I would like to inform you about the current situation with plasma-nm and libraries for Plasma Next.

We just started working on a proper Qt5/KF5 port of plasm-nm together with libnm-qt/libmm-qt libraries.
For libnm-qt we decided to port master branch to Qt5 and make it work with the current stable version of
NM and also with the current development version (future NM 0.9.10). In libmm-qt it is also ported to Qt5 in
master, but we set minimum required version of ModemManager to 1.1, which was previous development 
version, but MM 1.2 is already out and we suppose that major distributions will have this version in their
next release. I think a few distributions already have it, like ArchLinux, OpenSuse, Gentoo and Fedora.
For plasma-nm we created a new branch called "0.9.3" (maybe we should pick up a better name) for the 
current stable version and we plan to make one more stable release with the new model, so it's easier to
maintain it and backport fixes from Plasma Next version. There is also new branch called "frameworks-update",
where I merged master with the current frameworks branch and I would like to make it work properly and 
then merge it to back to frameworks and here continue with development. Right now I recommend not using
frameworks-update branch and wait until it's merged to frameworks.

We were also thinking of having libnm-qt/libmm-qt as frameworks, they depend only on Qt, so they could be 
in Tier 1, but would be probably better to wait on the new version of NetworkManager and update it completely.


Jan Grulich 
Red Hat Czech, s.r.o
jgrulich at

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