Minutes Monday Plasma hangout

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon Mar 10 13:22:53 UTC 2014

Minutes Plasma Hangout 10 March 2014

Present: Alex Fiestas, Aleix Pol, David Edmundson, Ivan Cukic, Martin Gräßlin, 
Martin Klapetek, Marco Martin, Sebastian Kügler, Jens Reuterberg

- fixed bugs in empty plasma next session start
- planning to fix keyboard layout switcher
- will send instructions how to start a full session

- has been working on splitting kde-workspace, 
- Fixed a few builds in kde-runtime 
- helped Alex to split powerdevil

- has been bugfixing
- debugged black boxes around QMenus
- going to do more bugfixing

- Completed and merged the new activity switcher

- mockup themes for Plasma Next available - please test
- monochrome icon theme in the works
- pushing on icon themes
- mockups coming up

- will move next theme to plasma-framework after the alpha
- improvements to theme engine for highlighs
- proper vertical mode for tabbar
- makes it possible for designers to test in-progress themes in Plasma Next
- fixed a bunch of bugs, plans to fully move to bugfixing now

Martin G:
- systray: feedback on blogpost overall positive
- will communicate tips for distros to integrate SNI
- has prepped a blog for expectation management on Wayland
- removed OpenGL 1 support in kwin to gauge feedback
- open review for port of windowthumbnails to EGL, needs reviewer
- fixed kwin crasher in Qt
- will set up a wiki page with known issues and fixes & workarounds
- worked on splitting and fixing kwin effects kcm

Martin K:
- knotifications merge is blocked by dialog crashers
- would like to merge OSD work before alpha still

- we need a volunteer for release management
- fixed theme changes when compositing goes on/off
- fixed crasher in kded5 (QNtrack from Qt4 would be loaded -> crash)
- fixed another bunch of smallish and bigger bugs
- fixed a bunch of bugs in bookmarks runner
- wants to move Oxygen as default font -- needs shipit from Alex
- going to close activity switcher on focus out
- testing pure plasma next 
- default favorites for Kickoff
- containment switching after Eike finally shows his folderview work


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