Review Request 118357: Disable the agenda part of the calendar

Martin Klapetek martin.klapetek at
Fri Jun 13 10:06:39 UTC 2014

> On June 12, 2014, 12:25 p.m., Vishesh Handa wrote:
> > I seem to have missed this change.
> > 
> > The rationale behind this change is that there is no PIM support and therefore we should remove it. I'm sure you guys would have thought about the following points, but since the discussion happened on IRC I cannot go through it.
> > 
> > 1. The Agenda part still provides valuable feedback such as the current date + day
> > 2. What about if someone doesn't have any accounts enabled in KDE PIM? Do we plan to toggle it on and off based on runtime detection?
> > 3. We clearly want the agenda in the future. Why break visual consistency among releases, specially since the work is done.
> > 4. From a promo point of view, we have been showcasing our calendar widget a LOT. It was the only thing that was shown during FOSDEM. Do we want to change that?
> Martin Klapetek wrote:
>     Hey,
>     thanks for that. I remember we also talked about disabling this part back in January in case the pim backend would not be ready, but to your questions:
>     1. The only thing it provided over the calendar side was the full day name, which itself is not enough to keep the whole popup twice as big as needed.
>     2. Possibly. Subject to discussion though.
>     3. I don't believe that in this case the "visual consistency among releases" tops the "it's (visually) bloated for no reason". Also the visual consistency of the calendar will remain in the future, it will just be extended. Limiting ourselves to the very first visuals released in the first release would be quite...limiting :) Plus we might also need to change the agenda part in the future a bit, it wasn't really tested with real agenda data afaik (and so the visual consistency might break anyway). And finally, it may take several releases of Plasma before there's a usable backend. Having that big calendar popup with half of it being pretty much just a whitespace for so long would be just annoying.
>     4. Indeed, as it was the very first moreless complete applet of Plasma Next. Just now we also have good NM applet and battery applet with new icons worth showing
> Vishesh Handa wrote:
>     Just to be clear what we are discussing over here isn't a technical argument. I get it, it doesn't work, we shouldn't ship it. I still think the agenda should be there.
>     1. How about the fact that it is much more readable and it looks much better? If you think this is a subjective analysis, we can try to form a general consensus among us developers. Or maybe ask the VDG.
>     2. Alright. Lets ignore that for now.
>     3. I think it's unfair to use the word bloat over here. I look more at it as small iterations in the design. Adding an agenda later totally changes the calendar. Making modifications to it, is just iterating over the initial design. Also, by "among releases", I also meant wrt KDE4 -> 5. The Calendar is KDE4 times looked similar to the one we have now with the agenda.
>     4. Yes, we have other plasmoids, but that still doesn't change the case that the Calendar plasmoid is what we showcased a LOT, and got good feedback about. We're now changing that to something which may or may not look good (See point (1)). Also, considering that amount of name changing we have done (Plasma 2 -> Plasma Next -> Plamsa 5?) it seems sad that we are also changing what most people saw as Plasma when we were initially showcasing it.

1. Subjective - a bit yeah. However, I was wondering (experimenting, even) about having the full date in the calendar header, something like "Today is Friday, 13th June 2014" (oh dayumn...spooky) and when you click any day in the calendar, it would change to just "Saturday, 14th June 2014". Maybe without the year. That would also fix the standalone calendar applet.

3. Now that's subjective (the "bloat") :) Right, I misunderstood the among releases then. Yeah it will change the calendar, but should we make it runtime detection based, it might not change for bigger part of users

4. "we showcased a LOT" -> yes, but because there was *nothing else* to showcase besides wallpaper and panel at that time. Now we have nice looking kickoff, nice looking analog clock, nice looking other applets which we can showcase. Plus I think that a significant portion of the good feedback was the wow factor of the new theme and the background contrast thing (which is what the calendar was used to demonstrate iirc).


We could possibly add the day part of the agenda back and only that part, make it a big bigger and get rid of the agenda lines. Might work out good + then it will be the "iteration design".

- Martin

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On June 2, 2014, 2:44 p.m., Martin Klapetek wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated June 2, 2014, 2:44 p.m.)
> Review request for Plasma.
> Repository: plasma-workspace
> Description
> -------
> As agreed on irc (someday ago), the agenda part is useless until there's a proper agenda backend and should just be hidden. Here's a patch simply hiding the left part - it's easier to do just "visible: false" than comment it out and then comment out/remove all the lines referencing parts of the agenda, also cleaner.
> I added a big comment at the file beginning, I'll fill the commit sha after committing so it can be easily reverted (the comment will be separate commit).
> Screenshot attached.
> Oh and you might want to remove the clock from panel and readd it/remove plasma config as the popup size seems to be saved and so after this patch you may still get the original-sized half-empty dialog.
> Diffs
> -----
>   applets/digital-clock/package/contents/ui/CalendarView.qml 43812a4 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> File Attachments
> ----------------
> Calendar without agenda
> Thanks,
> Martin Klapetek

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