Review Request 119451: some machinery for look and feel package

Marco Martin notmart at
Thu Jul 31 13:53:03 UTC 2014

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(Updated July 31, 2014, 1:53 p.m.)

Review request for Plasma.


screen locker, osd, krunner, logout screen get taken from the lnf package too

adds a simple qml based kcm for the splashscreen.
the kcm has to be there instead of plasma-desktop since it uses lookandfeelaccess (as the lookandfeel kcm will have to be here too)

Repository: plasma-workspace


This is still nowhere near final mergeability, but rather a request for comments for early stages ;)

So, what does an application that uses stuff from l&f needs?
* open the proper l&f package, as configured
* fetch files from it
* use files of the default one if the provided one is incomplete
* monitor for theme changes and if necessary reload the qml
* some applications may even want to have an optional local config that overrides it, like the splash, but is out of scope of a central management
the branch uses a little class that does all of the above (minus the last point) and uses it for now in the splash screen
For now it would just be statically linked into users, since they should be all in plasma-framework for now (of course not optimal)

*maybe* is stuff for libplasmaquick, but that library since locks a release of p-f with the same release of users of it, should probably me made public or else, so I'm a bit hesitant to add further stuff into it.

Diffs (updated)

  CMakeLists.txt c95eee9 
  kcms/CMakeLists.txt PRE-CREATION 
  kcms/splash/CMakeLists.txt PRE-CREATION 
  kcms/splash/ PRE-CREATION 
  kcms/splash/kcm.h PRE-CREATION 
  kcms/splash/kcm.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  kcms/splash/kcm_splashscreen.desktop PRE-CREATION 
  kcms/splash/package/contents/ui/main.qml PRE-CREATION 
  kcms/splash/package/metadata.desktop PRE-CREATION 
  krunner/CMakeLists.txt 2eb3671 
  krunner/view.cpp 21e66b2 
  ksmserver/CMakeLists.txt 49870fb 
  ksmserver/screenlocker/greeter/CMakeLists.txt 4837017 
  ksmserver/screenlocker/greeter/greeterapp.cpp bb8a2bd 
  ksmserver/screenlocker/kcfg/kscreenlockersettings.kcfg 5480022 
  ksmserver/shutdowndlg.cpp ccf6dd9 
  ksmserver/tests/CMakeLists.txt 79e942e 
  ksplash/ksplashqml/CMakeLists.txt 16c58a0 
  ksplash/ksplashqml/SplashWindow.cpp 23603f5 
  ksplash/ksplashqml/shellpluginloader.h 9c0f624 
  lookandfeel/contents/defaults 8b58863 
  lookandfeel/contents/splash/screenshot.png PRE-CREATION 
  lookandfeel/metadata.desktop fbb4858 
  lookandfeelaccess/lookandfeelaccess.h PRE-CREATION 
  lookandfeelaccess/lookandfeelaccess.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  lookandfeelaccess/shellpluginloader.h PRE-CREATION 
  shell/CMakeLists.txt 529e543 
  shell/osd.cpp 0e1adcc 
  shell/shellcorona.cpp 1d92cf8 



File Attachments (updated)



Marco Martin

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