Touch interface development

Kai Uwe Broulik kde at
Mon Jul 7 13:48:48 UTC 2014

> there is always the problem of scroll views that have items that are 
> interactive, if for instance the item can be dragged, it precludes the 
> possibility of flicking

Windows 8 solves this by using two finger flicking when the view is interactive, like a treeview or textarea.

For the rest I think this either needs to go into Qt (eg. QScrollArea can be made touch aware setting WA_AcceptTouchEvents and QtQuick Controls also behave differently on mobile vs desktop platforms, but don't know if that handles touch input on desktop also) or in our QPA(?) so we can have Scrollviews automatically work with touch gestures and the like.

Since QScrollView supports pixel-precise scrolling it can definitely be made aware of QTouchEvent - if that doesn't already work automagically with the aforementioned attribute.


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