Plasma Next Naming - Take 2

Martin Klapetek martin.klapetek at
Mon Jan 27 13:37:03 UTC 2014

Hey all,

I've processed the discussion in the previous thread, we discussed it a bit
in today's Plasma Monday hangout and here is a reiteration of the naming
proposal. Please please /always/ keep plasma-devel in CC, if not, I'll hunt
you down at Akademy and give you a disapproving look.

Alright, here it is:

 * The press/promo name of the workspace and close friends release will be
"Plasma" with the "by KDE" touch, it should never appear as "KDE Plasma"
again in our articles/blogs, nor just "KDE" when referring to the workspace
 * Versioning will be the date, eg. "Plasma 2014.06" (please refer to the
previous thread for details on "why the date and not "5" and/or "2").
Updates to those releases will be in form of "2nd update to Plasma
2014.06". The minor version also needs to be appended to the date, mainly
for packagers, so we advise "2014.06-2". Exact date scheme is yet to be
determined, comments on that welcome
 * The marine theme will be dropped, we recognize there were too many
objections and the feeling was rather negative towards that
 * Inside Plasma team, we'll start referring to the next version simply as
"Plasma Next". This will always be the "next major version to be released".
We encourage everyone to start using "Plasma Next", we don't want this to
be inside-thing only

So that's the new iteration summed up, next week I'll collect the comments
again and hopefully we'll have a consensus. Also please keep the discussion
constructive and positive, if possible :)

Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer
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