Review Request 121411: Don't trigger animation if size changed.

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Wed Dec 10 14:32:06 UTC 2014

> On Dec. 9, 2014, 6:11 p.m., Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:
> > Wasn't that part of the idea? Having it scale up the pixmap first when resizing and then re-rendering it later?
> Xuetian Weng wrote:
>     1. icon size (the widget size) doesn't change frequently. Usually it only happens when user resize the UI or changes the settings.
>     2. the animation IMHO is for smooth transition between different icons/different icon effect (check volume icon, media player play/pause, hovering with opacity changes), I don't see we need to have animated transition from a scaled icon to the actual correct size icon.
> David Edmundson wrote:
>     Icon size changes may be infrequent but they do happen. It's important that when we resize the panel we don't re-render a tonne of SVGs constantly, we need resizing applets to be smooth.
>     I don't understand where this blurriness is coming from; that implies we're loading it at a wrong size then resizing; if that's the case, lets fix that rather than hide it.

During resize, we're rescaling a pixmap instead of re-rendering the SVG for every frame. That can induce blur.

Also, rendering an SVG at random sizes van induce blur, since not everything can be aligned to pixels all the time, our SVGs are optimized for "standard sizes".

- Sebastian

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On Dec. 9, 2014, 4:43 p.m., Xuetian Weng wrote:
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> (Updated Dec. 9, 2014, 4:43 p.m.)
> Review request for KDE Frameworks, Plasma, Aleix Pol Gonzalez, and Kai Uwe Broulik.
> Repository: plasma-framework
> Description
> -------
> Making transition between two different size doesn't make much sense, since repainting is usually happens at that time and it could take some time to finish. And animation need to be stopped if m_animValue is set manually.
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/declarativeimports/core/iconitem.cpp ed3bb978f01cca98315fd425778139e4b9eeb64f 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Looks fine on tray icon and lock screen, no blurry transition anymore.
> Thanks,
> Xuetian Weng

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