Minutes Monday Plasma Hangout

Thomas Pfeiffer thomas.pfeiffer at kde.org
Mon Dec 1 13:39:34 UTC 2014

On 01.12.2014 13:05, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> Aleix:
> [...]
> - worked on kamoso, frameworks branch should work like 4.x version, modulo
> - sharing of pictures (could be shared with quickshare plasmoid)

What about Share/Like/Connect? Is that completely dead by now? Will it 
come back at a later point?

And there are also Friedrich Kossebau's (CC'ed) plans for a new context 
plugin framework which would also allow sharing (he talked to the 
usability group about them at Akademy). Could we use that when it's done?

Sharing is more and more important and should be accessible as easily as 
possible, without having to add additional Plasmoids manually.
It's okay to get this at a later point, but our sharing story is still 
too weak in general and has to be improved.


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