VDG suggestions and wishes about the system tray

Philipp Stefan sogatori.ml at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 17:41:03 UTC 2014

On 28.08.2014 14:32, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> On Thursday, August 28, 2014 13:38:49 Marco Martin wrote:
>>>> it  is a really a bad thing to have so many empty panels in - no
>>>> devices,
>>>> no notifications, no batteries etc.
>>> I think for batteries, we're doing that already (at least in Plasma 4 we
>>> didn't add the battery plasmoid to the panel for desktop systems).
>>> For notifications and storage devices, I quite like the idea. Maybe worth
>>> a
>>> try to hide them completely and gauge the user reaction? (I can imagine
>>> nobody would miss it.)
>> one thing i would love, is to expand what we are doing with dbus activation
>> of  plasmoids, even tough for things like "not having any removable storage
>> device attached" would require some more complex rules
> I'd think that dbus-activated plasmoids don't need this, since they come and
> go already (makes them essentially hidden).
> For the devicenotifier, it has to stay, since it could be configured to show
> non-removable devices as well, so the logic currently in there is fine, and we
> can rely on the status.
For this case, to allow to configure this basic functionality we came up 
with greying them out if the plasmoid is not configured to show 
non-removable devices. This way it's clear that it currently does not 
hold any information, however the configuration dialogue is still available.

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