Plasma 5 - thank you

Carl Symons carlsymons at
Thu Aug 21 14:02:29 UTC 2014

For a few days, I've been using Plasma 5 when I'm out and about. 
Generally, not production work. And on a real computer, not a VM (as a 
co-worker suggested).

It is outstanding, and now I'm seriously considering upgrading the main 
machine. It's attractive. People are interested in what it is. It's 
fast, smooth.

So many things to say about how nifty it is, but here's just one...I was 
puzzled when the inadvertent keystroke launched some 
situations it was annoying. Then I caught on. Oh...starting to type on a 
blank screen means something...and why should I have to launch something 
(Alt+F2) when I want to launch something else? Nice. It's a little 
thing, but makes me think that y'all have thought about stuff at a 
detailed level.

So this is just a short thank you. I really, really appreciate what you 
have done and what you are doing.


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