JS/QML Plasmoid How I can add global shortcuts?

smith AR audoban at openmailbox.org
Fri Aug 15 16:14:10 UTC 2014

Hello greetings.

Currently I have a doubt that I want to confirm. 
I am developing a plasmoid at JS/QML to KDE 4.x, and I have the idea to create a 
global keyboard shortcuts to the applet /http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/PlayBar?content=165396/[1] But I was limited because it 
seems that is not possible.

I have read many times documenting Plasma Runtime and QML 1.1 but it appears that 
such a feat is not possible even though is the recommended way to write Plasmoids :(

There a way to create global shortcuts for JS/QML applets?
If there is not perhaps be possible to add support for Plasma 5.1 as if it were a QML 

Great day, and excuse my English.

[1] http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/PlayBar?content=165396
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